Our group is made of six researchers and seven PhD Students. Each year, SSM opens six PhD positions for the SPACE area and three post-doc positions (for further details, please visit "POST_DOC_SSM" for post-doc positions and "PHD_SSM"for PhD positions). Research areas are mainly devoted to cosmology, space science and space technology, as suggested by the title of the PhD program. The former covers topics ranging from theoretical and observative cosmology, astrophysics, quantum field theory, basic structure and formal analysis of gravity theories, cosmography, neutrino physics, multi-messenger astronomy and several other physics braches somehow linked to cosmology. Cosmology can be understood as the link between physics and Space Technology which, in turn, comprehends aerospatial engineering, material science for extraterrestrial environments, extraterrestrial telecommunications, application of mathematic techiques to celestial mechanics and earth monitoring. Each Thursday we organize scientific colloquia held by leading expert in the above mentioned topics, with the aim to enrich our background knowledge and keep in contact with other research groups. The colloquia webpage can be found here: COLLOQUIA
Collaborations with foreign institutes
To improve the topics and the quality of our research, we also collaborate with local and foreigh research group, some of which are listed below:
Centro Europeo di Ricerche Nucleari (CERN), Ginevra (Svizzera)
Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA), Noordwijk (Olanda)
Gravitation AstroParticle Physics Amsterdam GRAPPA (Olanda)
Institute for Space Physics – ICREA, Barcellona (Spagna)
Kobayashi‐Maskawa Institute, Nagoya (Giappone)
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research JINR, Dubna (Russia)
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimora (USA)
Departamento de Fisica Teorica, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spagna)
Fudan University, Shangai (Cina)
Kazan Federal University, Kazan (Russia)
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow State University (Russia)
Institute for Astrophyscs, Harvard University (USA)
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida (USA)